Are you in a Healing State?
October 16, 2020 6:00 pmThis is such an important area to explore when it comes to healing from any kind of condition, or indeed when aiming to maintain wellness. Learning to know when you are in a Stress State or Healing State and having some tools available to help you shift into the later.
Today’s post will explore this interesting concept in an ‘easy to digest’ way and give you some tools you can use to help your body, mind and nervous system shift into more of a healing state.
There are two branches to our nervous system, both activated depending on what is going on around us and whether our body senses danger or not. There are known as The Parasympathetic Branch (Healing state) and The Sympathetic Branch (Stress state)
Many of us find ourselves permanently in a state of stress. This is especially the case when living with a chronic illness.
Every day can feel uncertain, life circumstances such as relationships/work will likely be affected and living with discomfort and pain can be deeply challenging. Alongside these things, you will likely also experience worrisome thoughts such as ‘what if I never get better?’ or ‘I don’t know where to turn for help?’ which can sometimes be so extensive that they play in a constant loop in our minds, subtly alerting our nervous systems that we aren’t safe and are in danger.
All of this = stress on our bodily system.
Our stress response was designed for when the body needs to jump into action, such as fight a tiger, leap out of the way of oncoming traffic or run away from a threat. When the Sympathetic Branch of our nervous system is activated, stress hormones, such as cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, flood through our body and all energy is redirected to dealing with the perceived threat. This means that things deemed as unnecessary, such as digestion or reproduction, are put on hold. This is why our menstrual cycle and digestion can be massively affected as a result of stress. If the body is running away from a tiger, digesting today’s lunch or creating a new life isn’t priority!
The Stress response is perfectly fine when it happens occasionally. But when it’s constant, it can put so much strain on the body, cause illness and actually block healing.
A big part of my healing journey so far, has been finding ways to shift out of the stress state and into a healing state. It’s a big topic and one I will cover more in the coming weeks here and also over on my social media platforms.
Some Things that can Help You Begin to Calm Your Nervous System are…
* Notice when you feel that ‘racy’ feeling. Pause. Breathe. Soften.
* Practise moving and talking more slowly
* Take a warm bath
* Calming Essential Oils such as lavender or sandalwood
* Yoga Nidra
* Gentle Walks in Nature
* A hug from a loved one
* A relaxing massage
* Breathing exercises
* Make time for yourself
* Soothing self talk
* Guided Meditation
(Insight Timer is a wonderful free app where you can find an abundance of guided meditations)
It’s a practise and can take some time to retrain our stress response. Some of us have lived in this way for many years, and it may take some time to calm our systems down.
Dr Kim D’eramo, one of my favourite teachers often says ask yourself ‘How can I relax just 2% more in this moment?’ This simple question, can help us to nudge ourselves towards a softer, more healing state. Try checking in with yourself throughout the day and asking this simple question. Relax your shoulders a little. Take a slow deep breath. Recenter, before resuming whatever you are doing.
Step by step is the way. Gently does it, with tons of self compassion.
Comment below with some of the things that help you to relax and access your parasympathetic response. I’d love to hear from you.
Emma x
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Disclaimer: This Website and all the information which it contains is based on my own personal experience and health journey which I am sharing for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult your own doctor or healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for you.