Mini Self Love Meditation

June 17, 2020 3:28 pm

The little tool I’m about to share is something I do often. A One Minute, Self Love Meditation that you can use whenever you need some comfort or reassurance.

This mini meditation is great for whenever you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed or upset. I also personally use it when I feel a sudden increase in physical symptoms too. When our body sends us signals, such as emotions or symptoms, it is often trying to communicate something to us. In ME/CFS  our body’s signals have often been ignored for many years to the point of absolute collapse.

A key part of healing is gently rebuilding this communication pathway, between your mind and your body.

This is something I’ve been paying attention to more in recent weeks, truly connecting to my body and it’s messages. Listening. Opening. Nurturing it. For so many years I have lived in fierce resistance to my body. It’s felt like the enemy. After all, it is within my body that the severe discomfort has resided and drastically impacted my life for the last 20 years. However, I now know it is not my body’s fault. My body isn’t against me, it is a part of me! We are a team. Our body’s are always doing their best for us. Learning to gently reconnect to our body, with love, is so important if we wish to heal.


Mini Self Love Meditation (Takes around 1 Minute)

Whenever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or in need of some love. Perhaps you feel anxious, frustrated or upset. Notice the sensations or emotions in your body. Then as soon as is possible, stop what you are doing. (This may mean popping to the bathroom if you are with people.)

  • Place your hand on your heart. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so.
  • Take a slow breath in
    Hold for 1-2 seconds
    Slowly exhale…
  • Repeat. Slow breath in… and out…
  • Bring your attention to your shoulders. Relax them a little
  • Now visualise sending yourself some love. Directly into your heart space. Just get the sense of that love (whatever you imagine will be right for you)
  • Visualise the colour green or rose pink filling your heart centre. Just getting a sense of one of these colours is enough. These are the colours of the heart chakra.
  • Take another slow breath in…and exhale gently.
  • Come back to the present moment.

This mini meditation will take around one minute.

You can of course spend longer with this self love practise if you would like to. It depends on your personal circumstances in that moment and how you wish to use it. But it’s a lovely thing to do for yourself throughout the day to help reconnect back to your centre and sense of self. It’s enough to shift you out of your head, and back down into your body and it begins to rebuild that trust once again between the two.

Give this a little go next time things feel overwhelming for you, let me know how you find it in the comments below.

Love, Emma x


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Disclaimer: This Website and all the information which it contains is based on my own personal experience and health journey which I am sharing for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult your own doctor or healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for you.

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